“Ispiro creando, creo ispirando…”

Nov 3, 2020 | Exhibitions

FromOctober 2th to 15th 2020 the artist Magaly Arocha participated among seven other artists in the exhibition “Ispiro creando, creo ispirando…” at the ARTtime Gallery, Udine. The exhibition brought together works in which ispirazione and creation were as powerful as they were brilliantly immediate.

The inspiration of Magaly Arocha Rivascomes from the sublime beauty of the human body,in particular from the ethereal and slender figures of the dancers: the slender and muscular bodies, the tensions, the flexions, the hands’, feet’s and head’s position. All investigated with a deep and attentive gazewhich pays attention to the detail but also to the whole, masterfully harmonized and enhanced by the technical solutions in the rendering of the backgrounds. Gracefulness and solidity imbued with attention ”.

Luca Franzil, critic and gallery owner

If you want to share your opinion on the matter, I’d be happy to read it!