

“Contrasti…” (2019) acrylic and oil on canvas, 60×80



I lived in Naples for over eight years, but I had never painted this city… it was as if I needed to move from there due to really approach Naples. The inspiration was a trip and a picture by @marco_ottaiano. The Vesuvius, an icon of this city, which watches over and at the same time threatens Naples. The gulf, the sea that surrounds the city, make Naples unique. I wanted to call this work “contrasts” because Naples is full of them: there is the opulence of buildings, architecture, squares, breathtaking views but there is also the poverty of alleys and neighborhoods, the suffering, the deeply rooted ungovernability. Naples is a real city, not a virtual city or a postcard city. It is a young, lively, brilliant city, but in which young people still cannot find opportunities. This city was criticized, misunderstood and almost exclusively approached from a single point of view. The same happened to the cities of the south of the world, where I come from. Naples is one of the most controversial cities in the world but perhaps, for this very reason, also one of the most fascinating. Beautiful and suffering, full of a thousand distortions and inhabited by an incomparable people…