ballando sui tacchi rossi


Ballando sui tacci rossi (2020), oil on canvas, 2 canvases (50 x 80)



I was struck by the poses of this dancer, her flexibility but above all her smiling face with a mischievous expression, her abandon, her splendid red heels, the contrast with the black of the dress, in short I had to paint her also because in moments of crisis I prefer to abstract myself and paint the beautiful. And the photographic image is simple but at the same time profound. It captures you. I hope I was able to interpret it with oil paint.

The background is blue… lately it’s a color I’ve used for my paintings. It reassures me. I had fun with the spatula strokes. The painting is a composition forced by the lack of large canvases. So I decided to use two. In the end I don’t mind the result, in fact it could be original.

The muse is Prima ballerina Natalia Osipova photographed by Rick Guest